Cash Machine is an artist run publisher in Atwater Village, CA.

more fake blood more smoke llc

3207 glendale blvd la ca 90039

Beatriz Moreno

Beatriz Moreno

Whats Your Name 


How would you describe what you do? Your practice, your craft, your cash machine? 

Im an image maker, a vibe creator, and all around trusted eye for my community.

Can you tell us where you are from? 

I was born and raised in Inglewood California. I love my city. It's lit.

What does your morning routine look like?

Right now since Covid hit my routine is mundane but aspirational. I work a 9-5 some days trimming weed. I am pretty good at it. Im trying to implement more healthy practices such as waking up earlier to do yoga, and trying out one of these Chloe Ting ab challenges. Quarantine really stressed my body out.

Christian and Deserie of Pegoa Mexico City

Christian and Deserie of Pegoa Mexico City

Where do you look for inspiration? A place, a person, a book, an action?

My inspiration comes from my everyday. I am a bit of a romantic and can be captivated by the tiniest thing. Im observant. I watch people, environments, movements, sounds and pay attention to the slightest details. Im also intuitive, I don't really catch when I am feeling inspired as I am always working on something. My friends and family are some of my biggest sources for creativity. My friends are so cool. I have allot of music friends. Most of them are musicians and healers. I draw from moments with them, homegirls from childhood, family get togethers and a lot of conversations. We are working through so much generational trauma and it's a beautiful thing.

We are working through so much generational trauma and it’s a beautiful thing.

What work are you most proud of?

I just released a video I shot, casted, directed, produced and colored. It took a year to get out. It is a labour of love that encapsulates an era or creative abundance. It is 7 minutes long and all the homies are in it. Tolliver my good friend who is not only a talented singer but an incredible editor. He really put some work in it and I am so grateful. The video is for the Uhuruverse the song is called, "Life of the Party."

The Uhuruverse and and Jordi still from LIFE OF THE PARTY 2020

The Uhuruverse and and Jordi still from LIFE OF THE PARTY 2020

What has been the biggest challenge on your journey?

The biggest challenge in my journey has been people trying to take advantage of my work ethic and love for what I do by either short changing me or discrediting me. My images have been all over the place. In print and internet blogs internationally. Business has been hard for me as I just want to create and be given full control over projects. I love working with people who see what I do and really allow me to show them my vision. It hasn't been easy finding those people who really see me, and who I am as an artist.

How do you define success? What are the goalposts you look out for? 

Success is financial comfort, stability and abundant access to resources that can help me further create and envision a more free future for my black and brown brothers and sisters. I look for opportunities, and I try to spread them. The more I know about where to go the better it will be for all of us in the community.

Tricky, 2019

Tricky, 2019

Who is someone that has helped you get to where you are now? How were they impactful? 

My mom has helped me tremendously. I am first generation Latinx. My mother and her brothers and sisters came from El Salvador in the 70's, barely escaping a civil war. My mom has always been positive and supportive. I don't come from much but have learned through my up bringing how to make the best with the least and those lessons have been the most impactful.

Favorite food in LA? Your go-to spot to get cravings satiated? (Tacos, pupusas, kbbq, sushi, thai, etc.)

I miss Full House Seafood in ChinaTown. I grew up going here with my family. It was were we went for celebrations, out of town families and midnight dinners with my father. I had a very foodie upbringing. I've eaten and traveled all over LA since I was a kid but Full House Seafood, that place has my heart. I don't know if they will survive this Covid thing but I hope they do cause I really want me some duck.

What are you currently listening to? What's on repeat?

Ive been listening to allot of Jhene Aiko these past few months. Her lyricism is so beautiful. It just feels good. She really knows how to get you reminiscing over love and being that tender lover I know myself to be i'm a sucker for all them feels. I also love to listen to my friends especially Tolliver, Eddington and Jupiter Black. Their music is other worldly, and they some real talent. I've worked on projects for each of them. Im honored to have gotten to work with some stars.

What's the last thing you bought with cash? 

I just got me some Wing Stop. It was good. but the lemon pepper could have been more you know... Lemon peppery.

Leah Norwood

Leah Norwood

Kwasi Boyd-Bouldin

Kwasi Boyd-Bouldin