Cash Machine is an artist run publisher in Atwater Village, CA.

more fake blood more smoke llc

3207 glendale blvd la ca 90039

Jacquie Ray

Jacquie Ray

Please share your name

Jacquie Ray

How would you describe what you do? Your practice, your craft, your cash machine?

I am a photographer, a sex worker, and trusted naughty smut film creator, overall High Creatives is my cash machine.

Can you tell us where you are from?

I don't really know where I am from, my parents were born and shortly forced from the place they are from, El Salvador, and I was born and raised in L.A, the question, "where are you from?" is a geographical and spiritual mystery to me, however I do feel that my identity is not defined by a "where"- a location.

What does your morning routine look like?

My morning routine is super important to me, I wake up at 6am, sometimes it can be 5:30am. I use the bathroom, I shower, brush my teeth, do my skin care routine, get dressed and then smoke a joint or take a few dabs or both, by 8 am I am ready for my solo dance party. I put on some music and dance for about an hour and then I am ready for the rest of my day.

Where do you look for inspiration? A place, a person, a book, an action?

My life, my memories, desires, personal sexual encounters, the things I love and dislike, the things that caused me sadness and fear, and my every day growth.

What work are you most proud of?

Starting High Creatives is something I am always going to be super proud of, from the day I planted the seed, all these beautiful and amazing opportunities started coming my way.

What has been the biggest challenge on your journey?

Online censorship and harmful laws against my community.

How do you define success? What are the goalposts you look out for?

Success to me is overcoming your doubts, those road blocks you put in front of yourself. Ehhh I don't like goals, I like taking my days, day by day, feeling by feeling, opportunity by opportunity ya know. I am a moody bi*** that can change their mind at any time.

What's the best advice you've gotten from someone?

Not from someone personally, and I don't really know this author either, however I heard the phrase on the show VIDA, "bird by bird" which is basically taking things one at a time. Honestly, this is the best advise I give to myself all the time, I am constantly tying to do so many things at once that I stress myself out.

Who is someone that has helped you get to where you are now? How were they impactful?

not someone specifically, but literally all my angels (my followers and friends) who have been supporting me since the beginning of High Creatives when I was shooting bands LOL

What are you currently listening to? What is your go to sexy song?

2000's indie 4 ever! Right now, No I in Threesome by Interpol

What's the last thing you bought with cash?

A bootleg horror movie t-shirt

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Zach Grear

Zach Grear