Cash Machine is an artist run publisher in Atwater Village, CA.

more fake blood more smoke llc

3207 glendale blvd la ca 90039

Jillian Adel

Jillian Adel

How would you describe what you do? Your practice, your craft, your cash machine?

I am a designer of movie posters and editorial illustration, an artist currently focused on language-based visual art that explores primal, often shadowed, themes that connect us as humans, a pole/sensual dancer, and a storyteller.

Can you tell us where you are from?

I grew up mainly in a suburb in South Jersey called Washington Township.

What does your morning routine look like?

I check my phone for any urgencies and scroll social media a bit, which I know most wouldn't recommend, but honestly, it helps wake my brain up. Then I go and check on my many (many) plants on my porch, see what's new and sprouting, and fuss over them a bit, usually texting a few friends whatever Garden News is new and hot. And then feed my cat and let her out onto the porch. I make myself an espresso and then get dressed for the day (yes I still do this most days even though I work from home)

Where do you look for inspiration? A place, a person, a book, an action?

My garden, is an answer no one will be surprised about. I also collect books and zines, so I use a lot of them for reference. But I'm mainly inspired by people, and relationships, and social sciences, and natural science. The natural world is so amazing.

What has been the biggest challenge on your journey?

Staying present, honestly. My definition of art is being in Radical Observation. Of myself, of the world and people around me. It involves a lot of sitting and staring in a mirror at yourself, getting to know yourself, fully and truly. It's sort of like the "Magic Mirror Gate" test in the Neverending Story. Atreyu has to stare into the mirror, but most men go mad because they don't like what they see. And then doing the same for things, all the things, going on around us. Which, in the past few years has been particularly crazy-making and, at times, near impossible.


How do you define success? What are the goalposts you look out for?

Genuine connection, with myself or someone else. If I make a piece and it just feels right and connected, that's a success. If that piece then makes someone else feel seen, less alone, connected, that's a double win.

What's the best advice you've gotten from someone?

"What you're meant to be making, you're already making." Someone said this to me when I was feeling a lot of "should" with my art and was feeling confused about what I should be making. The answer is always what is already happening.

Who is someone that has helped you get to where you are now? How were they impactful?

My mom and all of my closest friends, I think. Because they are constantly listening to my stream-of-consciousness ramblings and crazy ideas and supporting me in mental health struggles and being my biggest cheerleaders.


What are you currently listening to? What's your go-to sexy song?

Top 5 tracks right now, that I believe are all very sexy, are: "Darkhorse" by Emma Ruth Rundle, "Am I Going Up?" by All Them Witches, "If You Stayed Over" by Bonobo, "Days" by Weval, "Code Red" by The Casket Lottery

What's the last thing you bought with cash?

An onion at the farmers market

See more of Jillians work at

Christinane Shillito

Christinane Shillito

Kayla Tange

Kayla Tange